Editorial May 15, 2016
The GraWIToN project entered in its second and final phase. It is time, for the majority of the ESRs to focus completely on their research activity to finalise the PhD work and it is time for tutors and GraWIToN scientists to support this effort. We had a very intense winter, where the GraWIToN project and their members had to accomplish their duties inside the project, whereas the World around them got crazy! GW150914, “THE EVENT”, changed obviously the agenda and probably the life of many of us. Our students have been involved in a cornerstone event of the science, the discovery of Gravitational Wave. Some of them participated to the analysis of the data revealing the coalescence of two black holes, some other to the development of the technologies for the improvement of the performances of our detectors. But obviously none of them remained unaffected by this great event. In their contribution to this newsletter you can read their emotions, their interest and engagement, their projects. Everything is finished? No, gravitational wave scientific potential is so explosive that a long sequence of “new emotions” are ready for us… starting today… with the announcement of…