November 10, 2015 - GSSI, L'Aquila (Italy)
09:00 Introduction:
REA project officer, Athina Zampara
the Expert Reviewer, Anna Belehaki
the Project Coordinator, Michele Punturo
09:15 Tour de table: All scientist-in-charge should briefly present their research team and describe their role within the network. Introduction of the Associated partners (if any):
Federico Ferrini, EGO
- Eric Genin, EGO
Eugenio Coccia, GSSI-INFN
Gianluca Guidi, Firenze/Urbino-INFN
Giovanni Prodi, TIFPA-INFN
Peter Wessels, LZH
Karsten Danzman, MPG
Benno Willke, MPG
Peter MacKay, G&H
Andreas Freise, UoB
Sheila Rowan, UGLA
Marc Ferrato (TBC), Boostec
Francesco Fidecaro, UNIPI
Maik Frede, neoLASE
Olivier Dalverny, INP-ENIT
Franco Geraci (TBC), TRII
09:45 Coordinator's report:
Michele Punturo
Elena Cuoco
Erika Morucci
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Fellows' individual reports: Every funded fellow will present the project and results or achievements so far. Scientific content is expected in the presentations.
Gosselin, Matthieu (EGO)
Nahed, Rudy (Boostec)
Tornasi, Zeno (UGLA)
Lacaille, Gregoire (G&H)
Toyra, Daniel (UoB)
González Castro, Jose Maria (UniPi)
ESR 7 (under recruitment – INFN)
De Varona, Omar (LZH)
Trad Nery, Marina (MPG)
Schmidt, Justus (MPG)
Tiwari, Shubhanshu (INFN)
Wang, Gang (INFN)
Vinciguerra, Serena (UoB)
ESR 14 (under recruitment – INFN)
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Meeting between the MC fellows and the REA representative: Discussion with the Project Officer about their experiences within the Network, in terms of training, progress and impact on their future careers.
16:00 Coffee Break
16:15 Feedback and open discussion: Feedback from the REA Project Officer and the Expert Reviewer and discussion on the output of the Network so far, on possible training areas for future exploitation or the impact on the fellows' future careers development.
17:15 Last session: Meeting between coordinator/partners/financial managers and Project Officer to discuss financial issues.
17:45 End of the Meeting