Past Meetings
- 19/02/2014, Cascina, EGO - Kick-off Meeting (Agenda: GraWIToN Management, Partners Presentations, Finance and reporting, Complementary and interdisciplinary skill training, Decision points)
- 02/04/2014 SB telecon (Agenda: Discussion on Schools and Recruitment)
- 03/07/2014, UoB, Birmingham, UK - SB Meeting (Agenda: Composition of the Supervisory Board, Recruitment status, Beneficiaries’ recruitment status, Schools cost valuation, Schools organization, Next meetings)
- 29/09/2014 - SB telecon (Agenda: Status of recruitment, Schools)
- 13/10/2014 - SB telecon (Agenda: 1st Basic School organization, Schools teachers’ list)
- 16/01/2015 - SB telecon (Agenda: Status of the recruitment, Milestones and Deliverables, Discussion on the 1st Basic School costs)
- 14/07/2015 - SB telecon (Agenda: Representative of the ESRs in the SB: endorsement of the election results, Final cost of the 1st GraWIToN School, Expected cost and structure of the November school (@GSSI), Preparation of the "Mid Term Review Report and Meeting")
- 10/11/2015 - Mid Term Review Meeting, Gran Sasso (L'Aquila) (Agenda)
- 15/01/2016 - SB telecon (Agenda: Budget revision, 1st Periodic Report, Next schools)
- 25/05/2016 - Supervisory Board Meeting - GWADW 2016, Elba (Italy)
- 07/09/2016 - SB telecon (Agenda: Financial status of the GraWIToN project, Hannover Laser school: status, DAS School in Rome (24-28 October): financial agreement and programme, Management school at EGO: an update, Evaluation days: a proposal, Outreaching activities)