ESRs Dissemination and Outreach activities (held and/or organized by a Beneficiary)
- IMPRS Week 1 - Lecture week. Bad Saarow, Germany, 08-13/03/2015
- First GraWIToN School Lecture school, Cascina, Italy, 20/04/2015-08/05/2015
- IMPRS Week 2 - Lecture week. Perthshire, Scotland, UK, 07-12/06/2015
- IMPRS Week 3 - Lecture week. Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain, 20-25/09/2015
- 2nd GraWIToN School, L'Aquila, Italy, 09-13/11/2015
- Marie Curie - Una donna, Pisa, Italy, 04/06/2015
- LSC - Virgo meeting 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 31/08/2015-03/09/2015
- IMPACT - University of Birmingham, UK, 08/10/2014
- 3rd ELiTES meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 09-10/02/2015
- TISI# (Tutorials In Statistical Inference) Workshop, Birmingham, UK, 27/02/2015, 13/03/2015, 27/03/2015, 25/06/2015, 09/07/2015.
- BIG DATA lunch, Birmingham, UK, 21/01/2015, 11/03/2015
- Astro in the city, Birmingham, UK, 25/02/2015
- Marie Curie Association Retreat day, Birmingham, UK, 03/07/2015
- School "BiG Waves", Birmingham, UK, 22-26/09/2014
- IMPACT -University of Nottingham, UK, 06/02/2015
- IMPACT -University of Warwick, UK, 26/10/2015
- EGO Virgo Week, EGO, Cascina, Italy, 09-11/12/2014
- LIGO-Virgo CBC group face to face meeting in Hannover, Germany, 06-09/07/2015
- Meeting-CWB face to face before science run advance LIGO detectors in Hannover, Germany, 28/06/2015-05/07/2015
- First Tech school: Optics, Laser and Simulation in Birmingham, UK, from 09/11/2015 to 13/11/2015
- Virgo collaboration meeting, European Gravitational Observatory, Cascina, Italy, 16-18/11/15
- School "BiG Waves", Birmingham, UK, 14-18/12/2015
ESRs Dissemination and Outreach activities (held and organized by other institutions)
- SU2P Annual Meeting, University of St. Andrews, UK, 23-24/03/2015
- SUPA (Scottish Universities Physics Alliance) Annual Meeting, University of St Andrews, UK, 25/03/2015
- Iberian Gravitational Wave Meeting 2015 (IGWM15), Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC-IEEC), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICC) of the University of Barcelona (UB), Spain, 12-14/05/2015
- Munich Laser World of Photonics Fair, World of Photonics, München, Germany, 22-26/06/2015
- Roma 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italia, 12-18 July 2015
- Lights of Tuscany 2015, Pisa, 17-21/12/2015
- Workshop of “Multi-messenger observations and studies of core-collapse supernovae” in Urbino, Italy, 11/06/2015
- Cosmic Polarization Rotation from Galilean Principles to Cosmology, in Villa Il Gioiello, Arcetri, Florence, Italy, 7-8/09/2015
- “Towards Gravitational wave astronomy: data analysis techniques and challenges, Royal Astronomy Society, London, UK”, 12/12/2014
- “Surveying the transient Universe: from electromagnetic to gravitational waves”, Royal Astronomy Society, London, UK, 13/02/2015